Google buys Plaxo; Bebo

While Microsoft has their eyes set on Yahoo!, who is trying to fight them off by flirting with AOL and Disney, Google have apparently - according to heavy blog rumours - snapped up two other hot web properties: Plaxo, the de facto "web rolodex" and Bebo, the premier social network in the UK. Google already runs Orkut, another mammoth social network, which is a huge succes in Brazil.
It seems that no matter what Microsoft does, Google will beat them to it. What is the hottest topic in mobile conference in Barcelona right now? Windows Mobile moving from HTC to Sony Ericsson or the unveiling of the "mysterious" Android platform for mobile phones invented by Google?
You almost feel sorry for Microsoft these days.
Oh, well. They still have PopFly and Silverlight. (What do you mean you never heard of them?).
I know it's not the best of sources but Valleywag today has Comcast as the buyer of Plaxo.
Here I was thinking that Facebook was a lock for that purchase. Go figure.
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