Miles Davis' Kind Of Blue: 50th Anniversary Collector's Edition

“Beyond jazz, Kind of Blue’s long-term influence has been enormous. Beginning with the Byrds, the Doors, Carlos Santana, and the Allman Brothers, most rock improvisation has been modal. What Davis did in 1959 (and what Coltrane did subsequently, by introducing non-Western scales) helped set the stage for minimalist composers like Steve Reich and Philip Glass. And if a certain horn riff on recent hits by Amy Winehouse and Christina Aguilera strikes you as familiar, that’s because their producer Mark Ronson borrowed it from James Brown’s 1967 hit ‘Cold Sweat’ – a riff that the tune’s composer, Pee Wee Ellis, freely admits to lifting from ‘So What’.”
– from the liner notes written by Francis Davis
Read the full Press release on here.
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