Ronnie Rocket Blog
A personal blog about Arts, Business, Culture and Design (and a lot about Japan!) by Media DJ Ronnie Rocket.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I am wondering if I will get my money back from American Express for the airline tickets I bought from bankrupt Sterling on
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
TIP OF THE DAY: Do not miss the concert with ERIKO MAKIMURA & CO. at the Royal Opera House in Copenhagen tonight. The programme is awesome!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I am crossing my fingers that all the guests will take the harbour bus and be on time (20:00) for the concert at the Opera House tonight :-)
Sunday, October 26, 2008

It’s a thrilling coup for H&M. Debuting at H&M’s new Tokyo store on November 8th, then entering approximately 200 stores worldwide on November 13th will be a collection designed for H&M by Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons. One of the most significant figures in modern fashion, Kawakubo has created a full men’s and women’s collection for H&M, complete with accessories and a unisex fragrance. The pieces all have the uncompromising Comme des Garçons spirit, yet will all be available at H&M’s brilliantly accessible prices.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
is giving away 20 cool chamber music sponsor tickets (1+1, Monday night at the Opera) to the next ten that write me at
Kaya Yamada

Kaya Yamada, or Pon-san, was born in Takayama, one of the main centers of the hippie movement in Japan, but spent his life travelling the world, living freely and doing as he pleased. His nickname (which loosely translates as "explosive") comes from his impulsive nature. He is known in Japan for his freewheeling lifestyle and his uncompromising desire for personal freedom, making him something of an inspiration to hedonistic and free-spirited nonconformists. Pon, who authored the book "I am a Hippie," is considered a hippie god in Japan and is widely known throughout the country by hippies old and new. No doubt he is also well known to the authorities too, having recently been busted with 350 mature marijuana plants in his garden. Now in his early sixties, he shows no signs of mending his ways, leaving his radical, alternative ideas behind and getting into the uniformity of mainstream Japanese society.
Friday, October 24, 2008

Der US-Regisseur David Lynch wurde mit verstörenden Filmen wie "Blue Velvet" und "Eraserhead" berühmt. Seit einigen Jahren wird auch sein umfassendes malerisches und fotografisches Werk entdeckt. Anlässlich einer Ausstellung neuer Fotografien im Düsseldorfer Epson-Kunstbetrieb sprach art mit David Lynch über schlechte Aura, weibliche Schönheit und das Fischen nach Inspiration.
David Lynch: New Photographs

Der Epson Kunstbetrieb präsentiert erstmals in Deutschland neue Fotoarbeiten des Regisseurs David Lynch
Der Epson Kunstbetrieb zeigt exklusiv in Kooperation mit Hasselblad die Ausstellung „David Lynch: New Photographs“. Die Technologien von Hasselblad und Epson eröffnen David Lynch nach eigener Aussage die Möglichkeit für neue kreative Zugänge. Die zum größten Teil großformatigen Bilder sind mit einer Hasselblad H3D-11 39 fotografiert und im Epson Digigraphie® Verfahren in einer Auflage von nur 6 Exemplaren pro Motiv in höchster Qualität gedruckt.
„Es freut uns sehr, dass es uns in Kooperation mit Hasselblad gelungen ist, einen der spannendsten Film- und Foto-Künstler der Gegenwart für eine Ausstellung im Epson Kunstbetrieb begeistern zu können,“ so Henning Ohlsson, Geschäftsführer Epson Deutschland. „Epson steht auf der einen Seite für innovative Bildtechnologien, auf der anderen Seite für innovative Bildinhalte. Die Ausstellung „David Lynch: New Photographs“ verbindet beide Welten zu einer eindrucksvollen Einheit.“
Die Eröffnung der Ausstellung findet am Freitag, den 26. September 2008 ab 19.30 Uhr in den Räumen des Epson Kunstbetriebs im Düsseldorfer Medienhafen, Kaistraße 7-9, statt.
Zur Ausstellung ist ein Katalog mit allen Arbeiten (A4, 20 Seiten) und ein Ausstellungsposter (A2) für jeweils EUR 5,- erhältlich.
Durability of exhibtion: 27. September 2008 bis 23. November 2008.
is having a great time promoting tickets for the concerts next week. Write me now @ if you want to have a good time ;-)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
is sitting on some hot tickets for a series of unique chamber music concerts on Monday and Tuesday. Call 40416250 if you want to be cool :-)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Congratulations to NICKI PEDERSEN new Speedway World Champion 2008 with the 3rd championship! More coverage
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dennis Hopper à la Cinémathèque française

Dennis Hopper est un génial touche-à-tout.
Sa vie entière est traversée d’expériences, entre autres artistiques, mais également vitales, qui l’ont placé au coeur des grands chambardements culturels qui ont secoué Hollywood et l’Amérique durant près d’un demi-siècle. Dennis Hopper est un excellent photographe, un peintre et un collectionneur, un acteur de légende, un cinéaste indépendant, un acteur de séries télévisées, une icône de l’Amérique de la contreculture et de la traversée des espaces, depuis son premier film comme réalisateur, Easy Rider sorti en 1969. Les cinéphiles en France connaissent Dennis Hopper pour ses rôles dans les films de nombreux cinéastes importants, depuis Nicholas Ray en passant par Roger Corman, Wim Wenders, Abel Ferrara, David Lynch, Francis F. Coppola, Sam Pekinpah ou encore Sean Penn. Dennis Hopper est également connu par les films qu’il a réalisés. Outre Easy Rider, il y eut Colors, Out of the Blue ou encore The Last Movie, autant de films-cultes qui seront programmés dans le cadre de cet événement.
L’exposition organisée par la Cinémathèque a pour but de mieux faire connaître cette dimension-là de Dennis Hopper artiste et collectionneur d’art, témoin et acteur privilégié d’une des aventures esthétiques parmi les plus stimulantes de ces quatre ou cinq dernières décennies. En montrant comment cette trajectoire a sans cesse croisé le cinéma. Nous avons mené ce projet avec la complicité amicale et la totale confiance de Dennis Hopper lui-même, qui s’est prêté au jeu. Il sera présent en octobre à la Cinémathèque pour lancer cette exposition à laquelle il a grandement contribué, et pour accompagner la programmation de ses films. En outre, des rencontres, des conférences, l’édition d’un beau catalogue illustré (coédité avec Flammarion Skira).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
predicting the old school tech stock IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP will go to hell while Google and Yahoo! will have very strong comebacks.
What a day! Today, I won not one, but two photo pop quizzes. My guesses were Emerson Lake & Palmer, and the shoes of Lee Perry, respectively
Monday, October 06, 2008
just posted the longform Prada promo and two new tracks by Antony & the Johnsons from their upcoming EP on the music video blog REALVJ.COM.
Depeche Mode Press Conference In Berlin

Tune in on October 6th, 2008 at 1:30pm CEST (12:30pm BST, 4:30am PST, 7:30am EST) for a special Depeche Mode press conference, LIVE from Berlin. We'll be announcing some exciting news for the upcoming year. Watch the press conference here on depeche mode dot com.
June 10, 2009: Olympiahalle, Berlin
June 30, 2009: Parken, Copenhagen
Sunday, October 05, 2008
is predicting that NYC rockers The Virgins (recently signed to Atlantic Records) will be huge. Hear and see them at my video blog
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Flying Lotus "Parisian Goldfish"
This video below contains some explicit cartoon scenes, flashing lights and is FOR OVER 18's ONLY.
Directed by Eric Wareheim (Tim & Eric) in association with Warp Records and Warp Films. Music by Flying Lotus. Co Directed/ Animation by Devin Flynn. Co Directed/ Edited by Eric Fensler. More info at
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
I am self-studying the music of Irish composer Gerald Barry, pupil of Karlheinz Stockhausen and Mauricio Kagel. Long live living composers!
Gerald Barry

Gerald Barry was born in Ireland in 1952 and studied composition with Stockhausen and Kagel. He first came to public attention in 1979 with his radical ensemble works ‘__________’ and ‘Ø’.
Many of his works have been commissioned by the BBC, including Chevaux-de-frise for the Ulster Orchestra at the 1988 Proms, The Conquest of Ireland and Day for the BBC Symphony Orchestra, The Eternal Recurrence, a setting of Nietzsche for voice and orchestra, and Hard D for the Orkest de Volharding. Chevaux-de-frise was give its Russian premiere by the Mariinsky Orchestra in 2007.
His first opera The Intelligence Park (recorded on NMC), commissioned by the ICA, was first performed at the 1990 Almeida Festival, and a second opera, The Triumph of Beauty and Deceit, written for Channel 4 Television, opened the 2002 Aldeburgh Festival, followed by performances in London and the Berliner Festwochen. It received its North American premiere with the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2006, followed by performances in Paris, Amsterdam, and New York in 2007-2008.
In 1997 The Road was written for the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra gave the German premiere of The Conquest of Ireland in 1998.
Barry has enjoyed a long assocation with the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, for whom he wrote Wiener Blut, Dead March, and Beethoven. Wiener Blut, commissioned by the BCMG for the 2000 Aldeburgh Festival, received its London premiere at the 2000 BBC Proms, and the work has since received numerous performances both in the UK and abroad. God Save The Queen for choir and the London Sinfonietta was commissioned by London's South Bank Centre for the fiftieth birthday of the Royal Festival Hall in 2001.
Barry’s music has been performed at the Warsaw Autumn, Musik Triennale Köln, Musica Viva, Festival Présences, Huddersfield and St Denis Festivals, the ISCM and many others. His music has been recorded on the NMC, Largo, Black Box, Marco Polo and Challenge labels.
In 2005 the stage premiere of The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (recorded on RTE) was given at English National Opera and the German language premiere was given at the Basle Opera in May 2008. La Plus Forte (The Stronger), a one act opera on the Strindberg play commissioned by Radio France for the 2007 Festival Presences received its Irish premiere in 2008, and will be performed byt The New World Symphony Orchestra in Miami in December 2008.
Recent commissions include First Sorrow, for Crash Ensemble premiered in October 2007, a work for piano solo, Los Angeles which received its premiere in a special Barry portrait concert at the Miller Theatre, New York in November 2007, and a work for bass voice and ensemble for the BCMG, based on letters of Beethoven, which was premiered in March 2008. Barry's most recent music has been commissioned by Betty Freeman (Le Vieux Sourd for piano) and RTE (No other people. for orchestra).
There is more information about Gerald Barry and his music on the Irish Contemporary Music Centre website.
Soundclip of Chevaux-de-frise from the Irish Contemporary Music Centre website.
Soundclip of The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant from the Irish Contemporary Music Centre website.
Hear more by Gerald Barry on NMC Recordings***
In his third consecutive solo exhibition at Take Ninagawa, Shinro Ohtake, a major artist in Japan but little-known abroad, presents 17 works that continue to explore his taste for "stickering." The first installation, in May, featured an assortment of lurid, mostly '90s-era collages made with all kinds of printed matter, including cards, wallpaper and tape; in July, part two saw Ohtake's imagery mixed in with dense smears of white oil paint and a variety of found objects, such as cigarette packages, newspaper clippings, and photographs. In this third show, Ohtake's work is a more intricately layered synthesis of imagery and matter. In heavily lacquered collages, the artist suspends salvaged cultural flotsam and circles of colorful acrylic, drawing on the entire global canon of pop culture. In the exhibition's large centerpiece, Poppy / Sound Shadow 1, Ohtake compresses contemporary icons and forms into a riff on 20th-century nostalgia.
Playing table tennis with old friends :-)

Here in an intense fight with Danish recording artist Nikolaj Nørlund, a fantastic ping pong player!