"Social Gallery" (Business Idea)

I had a lot of pink champagne last night (Moët & Chandon). Today, the mind is really thinking out of the box. Some cool business ideas now. But let's look at them tomorrow??
A personal blog about Arts, Business, Culture and Design (and a lot about Japan!) by Media DJ Ronnie Rocket.
The National Nuclear Security Administration’s BlueGene/L retained its number one ranking on the new Top500 list of the world’s fastest supercomputers, released today at the international Supercomputing 2007 conference in Reno, Nevada.
Housed in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Terascale Simulation Facility, BlueGene/L (BGL) clocked 478.2 trillion floating operations per second (teraFLOPS) on LINPACK, the industry standard of measure for high-performance computing. Built by IBM, BGL is a workhorse supercomputer used to make possible science simulation of unprecedented detail for NNSA’s tri-lab Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) Program, which leverages the computing expertise and resources of Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories.
The red and white robot, designed to run errands in offices, wasn't prepared for the jam of lunch-break wireless network traffic at the company's research center. Unable to communicate with its handler's laptop, it smashed into the office furniture as reporters gasped.