Ronnie Rocket Profile

Founder of Denmarks first web agency, Signal Digital, Ronnie Rocket, previously worked in the entertainment industry, working as a consultant for Carlsberg, MTV (London), Mute Records (Sonet) and Roskilde Festival. Worked as managing director for the digital arm of Grey Global Group Nordic in 2000-2004. Founded the social network Bongorama (membership required) in 1994, today expanding globally as a web-based social network. Chairman of several companies, including Københavnerprisen (Copenhagen City Awards), Clubbinghagen (Club Music Festival). Currently working as a consultant for Wonderful Copenhagen (Copenhagen Music Week). Involved in a series of internet ventures and media companies in Scandinavia. Profiled in the award-winning documentary "Ronnie Rocket", directed by Maiken Wexø. Co-writer of the books "Hvad du ønsker..." (Gyldendal, 1995) and "Det ene udelukker ikke det andet" (Schäfer, 2004). Editor and publisher of numerous blogs. Access to personal blog available here.
Nuff respekk: All animals. Mothers and fathers. Children of the world. Ornette Coleman, Brian Eno, Girls, Girls, Girls, Bill Gross, Hugh Hefner, Dennis Hopper, David Lynch, Simon Spies, Women. Friendships. A sense of humour.